“… in that

loving you could be opened up to believing in anything or anyone,


Love as a doorway? An invitation into deeper expansion of our hearts? That’s what came to me as I read this poem, especially these lines, and I felt my own heart opening more as I read you. < 3

I have so much love for All of Us Strangers too, and that’s just from the trailer, where I felt my heart opening too as I watched it. I remember thinking, “This movie is going to break my heart. And maybe put it back together again.” Thanks for reminding me I still have the actual movie to enjoy!

I’m sitting with the question of: how would it feel to believe myself more? To believe in myself more? And I think I’ll experiment with saying, “I believe you” to myself more as well, and see what happens.

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That's such a beautiful set of questions, Sandi. Thank you for sharing them!

I love that you went towards a doorway - I think for myself others have given me a glimmer of what might be one for myself, a sort of gift shared that I can keep with me. It's so great that you thought of asking yourself that following the poem asking what happens if we do that for each other. I agree that is so important too, and maybe the next step. And I am so happy you felt a little bit of that opening reading this ❤️. That means a lot to me to hear.

Yes! I felt similarly about the movie. I figured it was going to hurt in a good way, and it did so much. And I also feel like that little scar mark it left will help remind me to be a more loving person. I absolutely loved how they tied the characters together with the song, beginning and end.

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When you say you think others have given you a glimmer of what might be a (doorway) for yourself, do you mean through the offering of, “I believe you”?

I’m out of words atm, but wanted to say I enjoyed reading your response. < 3

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No worries, I appreciate your presence here - definitely take care of your energy levels.

Oh, definitely! Someone said those specific words to me a few years ago and it had a profound effect on me at the time. Afterward I was able to share that phrase with some other people in my life at important moments of sharing/disclosure. They are magic words when you mean them, I think especially to other women (having cultural and personal experiences of others doubting womens' experiences or perceptions)

I think just in general though - compassion and attention are doorways we can be offered by others and in turn practice offering 🙂. Not being "nice," but being kind (which is sometimes firm!), as I've heard it phrased. The choice to walk through remains, I think. Some don't.

As a sidenote, I have just one tattoo on my wrist of a Greek word in faded blue (got it a decade ago) - the word represents "truth" not as inert fact (not "veritas") but as an active opening, a doorway, a frame, a portal, into something new that is found or uncovered.

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